Terminal Server – What is it?

Terminal Server is the server component of Terminal services (now known as Remote Desktop Services). Terminal Server handles the job of authenticating clients, as well as making the applications available remotely. It is also entrusted with the job of restricting the clients according to the level of access they have.
The Terminal Server respects the configured software restriction policies, so as to restrict the availability of certain software to only a certain group of users. The remote session information is stored in specialized directories, called Session Directory which is stored at the server. Session directories are used to store state information about a session, and can be used to resume interrupted sessions. The terminal server also has to manage these directories. Terminal Servers can be used in a cluster as well.

More on terminal servers in the upcoming posts……

Learn How to Install Windows Server 2003 on Your Own

Due to the large number of functionalities like improved security, reliability, and scalability etc offered by Microsoft in its Windows Server 2003 operating system., I planned to install it in my system. I took assistance from a remote technical support company, which helped me in this process as well as explained me the entire process of installation.


Windows Server 2003 is integrated with many new features like improved security features, because of the built-in firewall. It consists of an enhanced version of IIS and improvement to Message Queuing. Further as well as contains an administrative tool that offers the management facility to administrator.
Windows Server 2003 has a backup system to bring back lost files. This server operating system is improved in many aspects like Active Directory, Group Policy handling and administration, disk management, etc. In addition to this, it contains many command line tools, and can restart the server in a situation when operating system stops responding.


Here are the steps used in the process of installation:
STEP 1: Start your computer with Windows Server 2003 CD inserted into the CD drive.
STEP 2: Press any key to boot from the CD.
STEP 3: You will be prompted with the “Welcome to Setup” screen, press “Enter” key to continue.
STEP 4: Read and accept the license terms and conditions.
STEP 5: Press Esc button and create primary partition by pressing C key and typing the size.
STEP 6: Press Enter to install and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation process.
See how simple it is! I analyzed that the entire process was very simple and I could do it myself too. Hats off to the experts at the remote tech support company, who not only did it for me but also explained the process to me so that I am capable of installing Windows Server 2003 on my own.